BJJ Physio Fury

28 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you become injured doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, there are a number of different things that you can do in support of your regular physio sessions. Physio itself is an effective step to take to relieve pain and prevent further problems through the development of scar tissue and tension. However it's just one part of the recovery process. Physiotherapy assists with the rehabilitation of injury through a combination of strengthening exercises and sometimes deep tissue massage. Outside of this there are also various other forms of strengthening and massage techniques that can help as well. 

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is a much gentler form of massage and differs from the type of deep tissue sports massage you might experience from a physio by focusing on slow, gentle, flowing movements. The movement encourage blood flow, which can provide nutrients to the muscles and help them to relax and repair. Swedish massage is often accompanied by scented oils and soft music, which can further help you to relax. It can relieve tension and help with inflammation, and it's also good psychologically and can impact your overall recovery time by reducing stress and minimising the risk of entering training too soon. 

Thai Massage

Thai massage is more firm and focuses on deep tissue massage much like a sports therapist. However, it is designed to remove knots and tension from the whole body. Again, this type of massage can utilise oil and music, and it can often leave the person being massaged quite sore.

Gym Resistance

To support the strengthening aspect of your recover,y there are a number of different things you can do. If it's about rebuilding strength, the lower-weight free weights are better, as they target and activate the stabilisation muscles. If that's too difficult, then resistance bands and bodyweight movements are hugely beneficial and very safe to perform. Resistance bands are also portable and come in a range of resistances. 

Foam Rolling

For those with limited access to a physio, foam rollers are perfect. They consist of a hard foam cylinder that is used to massage the back and legs. You roll your body up and down and allow your own body weight to reduce tension in the deeper muscle fibers. These pieces of kit are very portable and don't cost much money, but they can really help you to maintain flexibility between physio sessions. They should be used at the end of your workout for the best results.
