Critical Attributes to Look for in a Neurosurgeon

17 March 2021
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When most people think about neurosurgery, the first thing that comes to mind is a complex medical procedure with high risks of disability or even death. Yet, most surgeries to the central and peripheral nervous system are not life-or-death cases. However, the choice of a neurosurgeon largely determines how well a surgery goes. Therefore, a patient must request the right neurosurgeon to increase the chances of a successful procedure. The following are some critical attributes to look for in a neurosurgeon. Read More 

Treatment Services that Podiatrists Offer to Diabetic Patients With Foot Problems

14 October 2019
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For people living with diabetes, maintaining good foot health is critical because the patients are 20 times more likely to develop foot complications and eventual amputation than non-diabetic patients. Therefore, it is not a good idea to ignore symptoms such as tingling sensations, numbness and stubborn blisters and sores. It is for this reason that people with diabetes need to see a podiatrist regularly to ensure the feet stay healthy. This article highlights treatment services that a podiatrist offers diabetic patients with foot complications. Read More 

4 Ways to Manage Your Cataracts Before Surgery

23 August 2019
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Cataracts form when the lens inside the eye becomes cloudy, obscuring light as it passes through the lens towards the light-sensitive cells of the retina. If left untreated, cataracts can result in partial or complete blindness. Thankfully, if you have recently been diagnosed with cataracts, there are some things you can do to manage the condition while you are waiting for surgery. Make regular visits to an optometrist Your optometrist will be able to monitor the size of your cataracts. Read More 

How Green Light Laser Can Help You with Your Prostate Issues

15 July 2019
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It is very common for men over the age of 50 to develop issues with their prostate. This doesn't mean that they will all encounter any symptoms, but for those who do, their quality of life can certainly be affected. What are the typical symptoms and what can be done to alleviate them? Repercussions The most common problem associated with an enlarged prostate is the perception that the individual needs to urinate, even when they don't have to. Read More 

Situations That Should Have You Seeing Your Gynaecologist about Potential Infertility

25 March 2019
 Categories: , Blog

One of the biggest hurdles couples may have to face at one point is the successful conception of a child. While some people seemingly tend to fall pregnant at their first attempt, it is worth noting that infertility problems have been on the rise in recent years. While this can be attributed to the fact that more and more women are waiting to have children when they are older, they are a number of other factors that could be preventing you from getting pregnant. Read More